The Art of Launching
Your Online Course
The Art of Launching Your Online Course
So, you’ve designed a fantastic online course, and you’re buzzing with excitement to get it out there? I’ve been there and completely understand the blend of exhilaration and nervousness. But before you hit that launch button, let’s have a heart to heart on how to make sure your course doesn’t just get out there, but truly shines and reaches the hearts and minds of those who need it.
Let this blog walk you through some of the elements you need for a successful course launch!

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Connecting with Your Audience: It Starts Here
First things first, let’s talk about the lovely folks you’ve designed this course for: your audience. Remember, it’s like hosting a party. You’d want to know your guests’ likes and dislikes to ensure they have a great time, right? It’s no different with your course.
Imagine launching a course without understanding what makes your audience tick. Kind of like baking a chocolate cake for someone who loves vanilla! This is why understanding them is fundamental.
What problems are they grappling with? Is your course the solution they’ve been seeking?
Dive deep into understanding who they are. I’ve found that conducting surveys, chatting with them on social media, or even hosting short feedback sessions can be priceless. These insights will be your North Star, guiding your course’s presentation and launch strategy. But keep in mind, you crafted this course for these individuals. Do they even understand how this course is going to solve their problem? Better yet, do they recognize the problem your course solves?

Why Implement A Course?
Preparing the Ground: The PreLaunch Dance
Launching your course is reminiscent of staging a grand performance. Think of the prelaunch phase as the critical rehearsal period leading up to the main event. A meticulous rehearsal ensures that the final performance is nothing short of spectacular.
Consider the timeframe: How long do you intend to stay in each launch phase? Most course creators adopt a rhythm that spans roughly 3 weeks for prelaunch activities, followed by 2 weeks of intensive main launch promotions, and another 2 weeks dedicated to postlaunch engagement.
But the essence of prelaunch isn’t just about time—it’s about steadily amplifying your online presence. Here’s a perspective to consider: If you’re accustomed to creating one reel or TikTok video a week, prelaunch should have you producing two. If you post content on Instagram or engage with Facebook groups twice a week, it’s time to increase that frequency to three or even four times a week during your prelaunch. For those who go live weekly, consider doubling that engagement.
Why this emphasis on amplification? The objective is clear: to captivate the attention of your existing followers. Over the course of the 3 to 4 week prelaunch period, your goal is to pique their curiosity so much that they can’t help but wonder, “What’s this buzz all about?” By elevating your visibility, you’re not only expanding your reach but also fostering anticipation and excitement among your audience.
Weaving Tales: The Charm of Stories
Ever heard a story that gave you chills or brought tears to your eyes? That’s the power we’re tapping into. Stories aren’t just tales; they’re bridges that connect us, making your course relatable.
Share personal stories in your content. Maybe you struggled with the very issue your course addresses. Tell them about it. Better yet, share the success stories of past students or colleagues. These tales of transformation can inspire potential students to embark on the same journey. Share why the topic of your course is valuable to you.

Harnessing the Power of Emails
In today’s fast paced digital age, one might be tempted to believe that email has lost its sheen. But that’s far from the truth. While the world zips by, there lies power in a wellcrafted email. Emails serve as steadfast allies during a course launch, and here’s why.
Email marketing is meticulously designed to complement and run in tandem with your social media visibility strategy. While a significant portion of your audience might be active on social platforms, it’s essential to remember those who aren’t always scrolling through their feeds. Sometimes, they’re engrossed in work, immersed in parenting, out shopping, spending time with friends, or perhaps on a much needed vacation. It’s in these offsocial moments that email marketing steps in, bolstering your launch initiatives. It acts as an amplifier to your visibility, ensuring your presence is felt ubiquitously — from the email inbox to Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
But, let’s clarify one thing: effective email marketing isn’t about million inboxes with an array of messages. It’s about forging genuine connections and fostering meaningful conversations. Segmenting your subscribers can prove invaluable here; a tailored message often resonates more profoundly than a generic one. The essence of your emails should hinge on engagement. A harmonious blend of pertinent information, tantalizing sneak peeks, and enticing exclusive offers can indeed build excitement and momentum.
After the Fireworks: PostLaunch Engagement
Think of your course like a good book; the end is just the beginning of reflecting on the journey. Postlaunch is not about reclining and watching. It’s about continuing the dialogue, understanding feedback, and offering more. As you wind down, be generous. Offer additional resources, tips, or even short freebies. It not only adds value but solidifies your bond with the learners.
Wrapping Up
Launching a course is an exhilarating journey, with its highs and hiccups. But remember, every step, from understanding your audience to postlaunch engagement, adds to its success. So, take a deep breath, embrace these strategies, and watch as your course becomes the talk of the online education town. The stage is set, and it’s your time to shine. Here’s to an amazing launch!

Kat Dunn
Kat Dunn founded the Kat The Coursebuilder brand in 2015 with the goal of “helping 1 million people teach 1 million” by providing turn key done for you course building and marketing services. Kat is a professional Instructional Designer with a Masters Degree in Instructional Design, a Masters Degree in Business and more than 20 years of experience building and launching courses for some of the most recognizable brands in the world such as Walmart, Verizon Wireless, ADP, The Federal Government and dozens more. Kat has assembled a team of more than 20 industry professionals to service her clients which includes coaches, speakers, authors, entrepreneurs and celebrities that are expanding their brands with courses. KTCB has launched over 17,000 courses since 2015, in 5 countries, on 3 continents.
Kat and her team have a thorough understanding of business, marketing, and how a properly-designed course can be a valuable, revenue-generating tool. In fact last year, we helped our clients to earn over $18.6 million in additional income through courses. She and her team have been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC. for their course building expertise.
Social Media: Your Virtual Megaphone
In our hyperconnected world, social media platforms are bustling marketplaces of ideas and interactions. For your course, they’re the stage, the spotlight, and the audience, all in one.
Share snippets, tell stories, go live, or even host free minisessions. The digital world is your oyster. The goal? Make them pause, engage, and eagerly await your course. During your prelaunch and launch phases, social media is foundational. The content you create addresses problems, provides microsolutions, and tells stories that resonate with your audience. Use various mediums – from short videos, graphics, captions, stories, live streams, to even free masterclass events. Create countdown excitement with playing the fomo card.
We all know that tingling feeling of not wanting to miss out, right? As you transition from prelaunch to launch, use that. Tease them with countdown graphics, instilling a sense of urgency.